About Equipnor

Global Reach with Norway at the Center

Our vision is to be the leading provider of personal equipment for the Armed Forces and law enforcement. Equipnor offers an extensive portfolio of products and suppliers from the world’s leading defense industry players, enabling us to provide the best products and services to the Norwegian market. We specialize in serving as a reliable link between international suppliers and Norwegian authorities, ensuring access to high-quality products and services. While we operate globally, our primary focus is on the Norwegian market, with offices in both Norway and Sweden.

Since 2009, we have been part of the NFM Group under the NOR Development Group division, strengthening our extensive and unique global network of partners. Close collaboration with our sister companies, Norsegear and Safenor, further enhances our expertise and service offerings.

Our Expertise – Firsthand Operational Knowledge

Our team of skilled professionals possesses unique operational experience and expertise, including a deep understanding of deployments in Arctic environments. This firsthand knowledge allows Equipnor to provide invaluable insights and expert guidance to our partners and customers.

Public Tenders – Navigating Complexity with Confidence

Equipnor excels in public tenders by delivering competitive proposals and tailored solutions that meet strict requirements. With our in-depth knowledge of public procurement regulations, we navigate complex acquisition processes to achieve optimal results for our clients.

Project Management – From Concept to Completion

Since 1996, Equipnor has been recognized for its extensive expertise in managing development projects for governmental agencies. Our deep understanding of the unique challenges within each project, combined with strong project management capabilities, makes us a trusted partner in driving complex projects forward.

Quality Management – The Foundation of Success

As an ISO 9001-certified company, Equipnor upholds the highest standards of quality management. Our quality system is carefully designed to meet and exceed the stringent requirements of the Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP).

Sustainability – Uncompromising on Quality and Reliability

At Equipnor, we understand the importance of long-term product value and functionality. Together with our sister companies and global partners, we offer a comprehensive range of tailored maintenance solutions to ensure that the products we deliver continue to perform at their best over time.

About NFM

NOR Development Group is a service provider for NFM’s subsidiaries in Norway and Sweden, handling all administrative tasks in a centralized and efficient manner. Coordination and execution are managed by a highly qualified team based at NFM Group’s headquarters in Ski, Norway.

About NOR Development Group

NOR Development Group is a service provider for NFM’s subsidiaries in Norway and Sweden, handling all administrative tasks in a centralized and efficient manner. Coordination and execution are managed by a highly qualified team based at NFM Group’s headquarters in Ski, Norway.


Equipnor Hovedkontor

Glynitveien 15

N-1400 Ski


Equipnor Bergen

Barliveien 21

5142 Fyllingsdalen


Equipnor AB

Körsbärsvägen 7

114 23 Stockholm






On duty – Off duty

Norsegear.no er den ledende nettbutikken i Norge for profesjonelt utstyr til de som trenger det mest; de som er avhengige av driftssikkert materiell. Hovedmålgruppen er profesjonelle brukere og soldater. Norsegear leverer personlig utrustning, laget på bakgrunn av det siste innen teknologi og utvikling, fra flere av verdens største og ledende produsenter av militært materiell. Vi har hovedlager sentralt i Oslo som sikrer rask ekspedering av ordre og utsending. 

Vi har også et tilknyttet Pick-up Point for direkte utlevering av varer fra lageret. I tillegg har vi en butikk på Rena med et godt utvalg av utstyr spesielt for kundegruppen i den regionen. 


Spesialister på dykking, brann- og redningsutstyr

Safenor AS was established in 2013 by experienced partners with years of industry experience, and has quickly grown to become a leading distributor in Norway for professional diving equipment, chemical protection equipment, fire and rescue equipment, as well as compressors suitable for both diving and smoke diving. Our large warehouse of 1,600m² displays a wide selection of first-class products, sourced from the world’s leading manufacturers. In addition to distribution, Safenor is also a reliable service center for Suunto watches and computers, offering expert repairs and maintenance.

Jobbe hos oss?

Jobbe hos oss? Vi er alltid på jakt etter kandidater som vil jobbe i et dynamisk og resultatorientert arbeidsmiljø.